Hazleton Rotary is happy to welcome 17 new members to its club! We look forward to these new members having a long lasting relationship with their fellow Rotarians and to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
First Row: Gregoria Minyety, Harry Hinkle, Neal DeAngelo, Katie Woznicki, Rossanna Gabriel, Nina Bonus, Anne Frey, Lauren Sacco.
Second Row: Mike Cammisa(sponsor), Eugenio Sosa, Alan Whitaker(sponsor),Peter DeMarco, Michele Kushmeder(sponsor), Jimmy Sabatino, Donna Barna(sponsor & Rotary President), Michele Ustynoski (fill in sponsor for Scott Sacco)
Third Row: Carlos Pujols, Alec Ryncavage, Vianney Castro.
Missing from Photo:  Carla Garcia, Veronica DeMarest, Alex VanHoeklen, Carlos Monclus, Abel Dominguez, Ricardo Santos